North Nottinghamshire
Tourist Association
Local knowledge to help make your stay in Robin Hood Country extra special
The Sherwood & Dukeries Tourist Association also known as the North Nottinghamshire Tourist Association brings together tourist businesses in the North Nottinghamshire region. It's aim is to share knowledge and experience, promote the virtues of the region to visitors and publicise members businesses.
Membership is open to tourist and tourism related businesses in the North Nottinghamshire, Sherwood & Dukeries region. Meetings of the club are held regularly throughout the year and are informative, supportive and generally useful with occasional guest speakers and the opportunity to network and publicise your business. The club operates this web site to provide information to members and promote the region to tourists. The site receives over 60,000 hits a month, and is growing monthly. Any tourist business in the region is entitled to a free mention and link, members receive a write-up, picture and several links together with publicity on what's on and feature news articles. This is included in the club membership fee of £20 per year. If you wish to join, please complete the registration form and send it together with your payment to the Treasurer. If you would like to know more please contact us. Click here for an application form. For a copy, print out page 1. If you have any trouble, please e-mail me and I will send you a version in WORD. For further information: We are pleased to be associated and supported by Bassetlaw District Council. For more information, see the website at: The meetings held regularly are not open to the general public, however guest attendance may be possible through contact with an existing member or committee member. Committee members for 2007-08: Chris Daniels (Chairman)
John Anderson (Secretary) john at Meetings for the forthcoming year:
To pay online:
Meeting Agenda Click here for generic agenda...>>> Minutes for previous meetings: 2007 2006 January (Not available) March (Not available) May (Not available) July (Not available) 2005
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